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Selangor Maritime Gateway

Gateway To A Better Tomorrow

Selangor Maritime Gateway

Gateway To A Better Tomorrow

Track Record

44 Km

Green Linear Park


Residential Units

+1.9 MIL

Commercial GFA

1.3 MIL

Population by 2030


New Jobs Created


Character Zones


Urban Development


New Destinations

Act as Catalyst for Economic Growth

Selangor Maritime Gateway (SMG) master plan is meant to guide the future physical development along the river while development guidelines identify the strength and opportunities, hence increasing economic growth and job creation as well as stronger fiscal position.

Ensure Environmental Preservation

Unlocking the tourism potentials as the thriving gateway to the biggest population in Malaysia and the region. In conjunction with the initiatives and support from the public, citizen may enjoy with the best quality of life.

selangor maritime gateway

Quality of Life

Unlocking the tourism potentials as the thriving gateway to the biggest population in Malaysia and the region. In conjunction with the initiatives and support from the public, citizen may enjoy with the best quality of life.

selangor maritime gateway


The Ocean Cleanup – the Dutch non-profit organisation developing advanced technologies to rid the world’s oceans and rivers of plastic – is LLSB’s 1st international collaboration in its river waste management system.

selangor maritime gateway

Zon Pembangunan Ekonomi SMG

The Zon Pembangunan Ekonomi SMG (ZPE SMG) is part of our initiative. It will be the first investment corridor in Malaysia that recognizes the river as a potential economic development
& growth.

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