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Improve the conditions of rivers and riverbanks along Klang River

Intercept floating debris from the Klang River


A log boom is a barrier placed in a river, designed to collect, intercept and contain floating debris such as domestic waste, wetlands, logs, etc. Our log boom design is based on hydraulic study and to cater low and high tides of Klang River. Currently, the log booms are capable of pulling out 800 to 900 MT of garbage per month.

Locations of Log Booms
at Klang River and Tributaries

There are currently 7 log booms have been built along the Klang River. The locations of the log boom are Jalan Taman Sentosa, Taman Kinrara, Sungai Kayu Ara, Jalan Jurutera, Kg. Aman Hilir, Sungai Kandis, and Sungai Pinang.

Selangor Maritine Gateway - Log Boom Installation

Construction of six out of seven log boom sites have been fully completed while the one left is only Kampung Aman Hilir as it is still in progress.

Log Boom Sungai Kandis

Log Boom Sungai Pinang

Log Boom Sungai Kayu Ara

Selangor Maritime Gateway - Log Boom Installation
Selangor Maritime Gateway - Log Boom Installation

Log Boom Taman Kinrara

Selangor Maritime Gateway - Log Boom Installation
Selangor Maritime Gateway - Log Boom Installation
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