Real time water quality monitoring
Classify the rivers in Class I, II, III, IV or V based on Water Quality Index (WQI)
Continuous River Water Quality Monitoring System (CRWQMS) is one of the smart elements of River Cleaning initiative of Selangor Maritime Gateway (SMG). The principal reason for undertaking and implementing monitoring system is to verify the suitability of observed water quality for intended uses. Water quality data is used to determine the water quality status whether in a clean, slightly polluted or polluted category and to classify the rivers in Class I, II, III, IV or V based on Water Quality Index (WQI). The classes of WQI are defined and computed based on 6 main parameters as below :
The Continuous River Water Quality Monitoring Station (CRWQMS) will have sensors that measure these six parameters along with water level, conductivity, and temperature that are deemed important to the data analysis. The station requires renewable energy components such as solar panels and batteries, as there will be no electricity available at the site. The telemetry system that comes with a monitoring interface system is required to provide Real-Time data transmission.
WQMS Locations
Currently, we have built and commissioned two Water Quality Monitoring System in Klang River, namely
i) WQMS at Pangkalan Batu, Klang
ii) WQMS at Sungai Kandis, Shah Alam
iii) WQMS at Kampung Lombong
iv) WQMS at Sungai Udang